Alvechurch and Weatheroak

7 miles. A circular walk with sections on roads, along pavements and some larger roads that have to be crossed. Start point is Alvechurch Railway Station, Alvechurch B48 7NR.

From Alvechurch Railway Station car park (a), cross Station Road into Latimer Road and follow this all the way to Snake Lane where you will turn left and then right into The Gaunts and left into Bearhill Drive. A short path takes you to Red Lion Street where you turn left (b).

Continue until you come to the Red Lion pub. Carefully cross the road (c) and walk into Meadow Lane. This pleasant lane comes to an end at a little bridge over a stream. Our route follows the stone path anti-clockwise around the playing field before turning left beside the trees, or, you can also veer left at the bridge and go clockwise around the playing field. Either way, you will end up in the corner of the field (d) at a gate which you will go through. Follow the path until it meets Rectory Lane where you will turn left. The garden of the house on your right makes a prominent feature of the water course that passes through it.

The lane will turn to the left but continue to follow the path straight on over the stile (e) and follow the line of the stream. The path crosses another stile and veers very slightly to the right across a small field before passing under the M42 motorway. It then meets Old Birmingham Road, where you will turn right (f). Follow the road to Pestilence Lane where you will turn right. Ignore the path on the left and follow the lane as it weaves beside a few houses before continuing a short distance until it finishes by a metal gate and some trees (g). Leave the tarmac lane by turning left and follow the tree lined path.

The path meets the A441 that leads to Hopwood Services. This is a busy road, so cross it carefully.  Follow the path until it meets Ash Lane beside the rugby club. Turn right (h) into Stonehouse Lane and follow this until you reach the T junction and Watery Lane. Turn right and follow the lane all the way to the T junction with Radford Road. Turn left and after crossing Icknield Street (the Roman road that crosses here) you will come to the Coach and Horses pub and Weatheroak Hill microbrewery.

The walk continues along Icknield Street in a southerly direction and passes under the M42 motorway. Just after the motorway (k) take the path to the right and leave the road. The footpath runs to the right of a manor and equestrian centre where it turns to the left. Follow the path virtually in a straight line all the way to Rowney Green Lane (l). Turn right into the lane and after a short distance pick up the path (m) on the left.

Follow the path as it follows a straight path and turns into a surfaced track. It veers (n) sharply to the right and left, passes under the A441, over the River Arrow and eventually joins Swan Street (o). Turn right here and then carefully cross the main road into School Lane. Follow this small lane, keeping left until you meet (p) Station Road. Turn left and you will arrive back at the Railway Station and an opportunity to enjoy refreshment at the Weighbridge Inn.

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